
What is this site? - No, it is not a scamming site. This site is more of me exploring both HTML and CSS as I go. The idea of this website is a "sneaker shop" displaying its variety of shoes. I like me a good pair of shoes, and what better way to show off some shoes and my HTML + CSS understanding.

What is there to see? - There isn't much on this site as I am only just beginning to learn both HTML and CSS. While clicking around you can see the homepage which has icons that when you hover over, rise up. I was going to add a showdow effect to them but it would have came out looking awkward. You are also able to click on the pair of shoes "Dunk Low 'Black White'" on the sneakers page leading you to another page to display a single shoe in its entirety. The page that is displaying the shoe is currently the only page with Java.

Will the site be updated? - Product (shoe) wise, no. The website will not be updated to actually be able to "sell" shoes, but I will continue to update it as I learn more HTML and CSS to make it look/intereact wayyy better. As mentioned before, the page displaying the pair of shoes contains Java, which I plan on implementing into the size and prices below it and into the other pages as well. Another part of the site I do plan on updating is the overall color scheme, currently white, and display to make it look a bit darker.

Who made this site? - Ivan. An aspiring Information Security Analyst. Someone who enjoys music, exercising, and now my newest hobby, programming.